Who are our Key Customers?

Customer Breakdown:
Tactical Training will target athletes, coaches and clubs involved in three sport leagues located in Adelaide to support the development of the business in the first year of operation.

League Breakdown
Each league has a varying number of clubs participating in the competition, ranging from 10-18.
Each club then has multiple divisions to support different age groups and skill levels, ranging from 4-19.

The Competition
Competition Matrix:
Tactical Training faces competition from large, trusted companies such as Nike and Adidas. These resources are located on the app store or internet and are easily accessible. For Tactical Training to excel as a business, information collected and published must be trustworty and contain valid information. After a year of operation, the business can expand to provide a wider variety of sports to appeal to a greater customer range.

The App developers
Who are our options?
As seen in the table, there are a sample of options that can be chosen to be used as a viable platform to create an app. The average price for a monthly subscription is $73 but with this control the app can published, changed, improved or updated personally.

The prototype
To provide potential customers with an understanding of the business, a landing page was created to demonstrate the basic features and how the app will be laid out. Customers were happy and enjoyed the possible layout of Tactical Training. However to mange the work load in the first year of operation, fewer sports will be available, which will reduce customers range.

Survey Results

To understand whether customers would be interested in an app providing drills, videos and techniques, a survey was built. This concluded that 90% of customers would be interested in this product. As seen above, there are 13, 335 potential customers that could use Tactical Training in its first year of operation. In order to break even in the first year, it is required that 24% of these customers purchase the product.